Pátek 18. října. Svátek má Michaela.

Přátelé svobodného Ruska vyzývají Kreml k propuštění ruských politických vězňů!

AktualityNaše práce 02.09.2022 | 09:31

Členové naší platformy v minulých dnech sbírali podpisy českých politiků, aby vyzvali Kreml k propuštění ruských politických vězňů, včetně Vladimira Kara-Murzy, Alexeje Navalného, Ilji Jašina nebo protiválečného aktivistu a bývalého starostu Jekatěrinburgu Evgenije Rojzmana. Tato podpisová akce na jejich podporu bude dnes předána manželce Vladimira Kara-Murzy, Evgenii, která se zúčastní námi podpořené akce „The Future of Russia?“, a to během mezinárodní konference Forum 2000.

Kromě toho se čeští politici vyslovili pro okamžité zastavení ruské války proti Ukrajině, vyšetřování Kremlem páchaných zločinů a postavení hlavních pachatelů před spravedlivý soud stejně jako pokračování západní podpory Ukrajiny do samého konce bojů.

Více o tom v anglickojazyčné petici níže:

Petition in support of the Russian political prisoners and independent Ukraine

On 24 August, six months have passed since the start of the new wave of the Russian aggression against Ukraine, which has taken irreplaceable and horrible toll on Ukraine and its society and obliged the Western community to impose severe sanctions against the criminal Russian regime.

On 21 August, two years also passed since the poisoning of the most prominent Russian opposition figure and critic of the regime, Aleksey Navalny, by the chemical nerve agent Novichok. These two sad anniversaries reminded us again that the Russian authorities are not afraid of committing any criminal act or atrocity neither on the territory of Russia nor abroad. The events of the past two years brought convincing evidence that the domestic situation in Russia is inseparable  from the world affairs and the criminal activities of the Russian regime of Vladimir Putin in Ukraine and elsewhere.

The Russian political prisoners, including Alexey Navalny, Ilya Yashin, Vladimir Kara-Murza and most recently also prominent anti-war politician and former Yekaterinburg mayor Evgeny Roizman, represent the moral conscience of Russian society and one day – hopefully – also its future. The amount of fear of the Russian regime from the domestic criticism could be best seen on placing Aleksey Navalny in solitary confinement in order to silence him even further.

Thousands of Russians took part in antiwar protests and were persecuted, hundreds of thousands of them have already fled from the country to escape the repressive environment and mounting censorship that is bringing the country back to Soviet time, including in terms of consolidating power and information control over the society.    

Therefore, We the undersigned, declare that the Russian leadership must stop the aggression against Ukraine, release all political prisoners and stop repressing the population of Russia for expressing their free will and spreading true information about the Russian war against Ukraine in the public space.

The Russian President Vladimir Putin and his accomplices must face justice by the international community for their war crimes and atrocities committed in Ukraine and elsewhere in the world.

In the context, the West needs to stay strong and united in supporting Ukraine in every possible way towards the very end of the military operations and liberation of the whole territory of Ukraine in its borders of 1991, and bear the necessary costs for punishing Russia for its aggression and other unlawful actions, no matter how long the conflict would last!“

Signed by: 

Helena Langšádlová, Minister of Science, Research and Innovation, Government of the Czech Republic 

Markéta Pekarová-Adamová, Speaker, Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic

Olga Richterová, Deputy Speaker, Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic

Marek Hilšer, Senator, Senate of the Parliament of the Czech Republic

Tomáš Petříček, former Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic, researcher at the Institute of International Relations in Prague 

Tomáš Fiala, Senator, Senate of the Parliament of the Czech Republic

Adéla Šípová, Senator, Senate of the Parliament of the Czech Republic

Pavel Žáček, Deputy, Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic

Hayato Okamura, Deputy, Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic

Markéta Gregorová, Member of the European Parliament

Eva Decroix, Deputy, Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic

Šimon Heller, Deputy, Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic

Petr Gazdík, Deputy, Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic

Lukáš Wagenknecht, Senator, Senate of the Parliament of the Czech Republic

Ondřej Benešík, Deputy, Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic

Miroslav Balatka, Senator, Senate of the Parliament of the Czech Republic

David Smoljak, Senator, Senate of the Parliament of the Czech Republic

Martin Exner, Deputy, Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic